
Showing posts with the label Sarf and Nahw Summary: 3.0 - Other Conjunction/Resumption particles

Sarf and Nahw Summary: 3.0 - Other Conjunction/Resumption particles

   3.0 - O ther Conjunction/Resumption particles   1.      - ثُمَّ Particle of conjunction ( حَرْف تَرَاخِيْ/ بُعْد/عَطْف ) meaning “Then, after that”.   تَرَاخِيْ : slacken, loose بُعْد : following, after عَطْف : Additive   If there is a break or time-out between the action and reaction, you use the particle ( ثُمَّ ). For example, ثُمَّ قَالَ Then (after a break), he said.   2.      - لٰكِنْ حَرْف عَطْف meaning “But”.   3.      Both ( لٰكِنْ ) and ( لٰكِنَّ ) are used as particles for amendment/retraction. Laakin ( لٰكِنْ ) is a conjunctive particle, ( لٰكِنَّ ) laakinna is a verb like a particle. These are active particles that act on nouns just like a verb. Retraction ( إسْتِدْرَاك ) is a subset of laakinna and means Particle of Amendment/ retraction . Like “but/why not” etc.  

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