
Showing posts with the label Nahw Meer English: 9.1/9.2 Exception Discussion/Flexibility of Excepted

Nahw Meer English: 9.1/9.2 Exception Discussion/Flexibility of Excepted

      Section 9.1 – Exception Discussion   .   فَصلٌ ٩. ١ - بِحِثُ الْمُسْتَثْنٰي   An Exception اَلْمُسْتَثْنَىٰ is a word used after the Exceptive Particles حُرُوْفُ الْاِسْتِثْنَاءُ . They are اٍلَّا meaning “except” and its sisters, and these are غَيْرَ , سِوَىٰ , سَوَاءَ , حَاشَا , خلَا , عَدَا , مَا خَلَا , مَا عَدَا , لَيْسَ , and لَا يَكُوْنُ . All of these are various forms of expressing an exception.   It is used to exclude some part after the Exceptive Particle from any rule mentioned before it, and what is taken out from the source is called the Exceptive مُسْتَثْنٰى مِنْهٗ and what is taken out from it is called Excepted مُسْتَثْنٰى . Excepted is of two kinds, attached مُتَّصِلٌ and, detached مُنْقَطِعٌ .   Attached Excepted: What is excluded by إِلَّا and its sisters from the rule mentioned before it and it is part of what is mentioned. For example, زَيْدًا إِلَّا الْقَوْمُ جَاءَنِيْ meaning “All people came except Zaid”, Zaid is part of the p

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