
Showing posts with the label Nahw Meer English: 6.8/6.9 - Incomplete Verbs أَفْعَالُ النَّاقِصَةِ

Nahw Meer English: 6.8/6.9 - Incomplete Verbs أَفْعَالُ النَّاقِصَةِ

  Section 6.8 – Incomplete Verbs فَصْلٌ ٦. ٨ – أَفْعَالُ النَّاقِصَةِ   There are seventeen types of Incomplete Verb s أَفْعَالُ النَّاقِصَةِ :   Table 13 – Incomplete Verbs 1 كَانَ He was 2 صَارَ To become 3 ظَلَّ To be or to become in the daytime 4 بَاتَ To be or to become in the n ighttime 5 أَصْبَحَ To be or to become in the morning time 6 أَضْحَىٰ To be or to become at mid-morning 7 أَمْسَىٰ To be or to become in the evening 8 عَادَ Return 9 آضَ Happened 10 غَدَا To be or Tomorrow 11 رَاحَ To go or to go in the evening 12 مَا زَالَ To keep on, not to cease, to continue 13 مَا انْفَكَّ To keep on or to not discontinue 14 مَا بَرِحَ To continue 15 مَا فَ

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