
Showing posts with the label 9/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4 - Incomplete Verbs/Kana wa akhawatuha/Kana-Yakoonu/Laisa Inflections

9/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4 - Incomplete Verbs/Kana wa akhawatuha/Kana-Yakoonu/Laisa Inflections

  Section 10.1 –Incomplete Verbs أَفْعَالُ النَّاقِصَةِ af-aal-un naaqi-sa-ti   Incomplete Verbs الأَفْعَاْلُ النَّاْقِصَةُ al- af-aal-un  naaqi-sa-tu or الأَفْعَاْلُ النَّاْسِخَةُ  Al- af-aal-un naasi-qa-tu meaning canceling Verbs are Verbs which give incomplete meaning unless both Actor/Subject Noun فَاعِلٌ fa-i-lun and object Noun مَفْعُوْلٌ maf-oo-lun are specified. This is the reason these are called incomplete Verbs أَفْعَالُ النَّاقِصَةِ . For incomplete Verbs, the Actor/Subject is called Noun of Kana اِسْمُ الْكَانَ is-mul kaana and its object is called the predicate اَلْخَبَرُ al-kha-bar .

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