
Showing posts with the label 7.4/7.5/7.6 - Forming Verbal Sentence/Object of Verb/Pronoun as Object

7.4/7.5/7.6 - Forming Verbal Sentence/Object of Verb/Pronoun as Object

  Section 7.4 - Forming Verbal Sentence جُملةُ الْفِعْلِيَةُ ( jum-la-tul fei-li-ya-tu )   We learned that the base inflection itself can be a sentence by itself since it has a pronoun hidden in it which serves as the Actor/Subject ( فَاعِلٌ faa-il-un ) which sometimes we will call as the subject.   An important rule is that Actor/ Subject   ( فَاعِلٌ faa-il-un ) is always in a Nominative state ( رَفْعٌ raf-un ).  

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