
Showing posts with the label 5.2 - Nominative Sentence

5.2 - Nominative Sentence

    Section 5.2 - Nominative Sentence الْجُمْلَةُ الْاٍسْمَيَّةُ ( jum-la-tul is-miyya-tu )   An example of a nominative sentence is زيْدٌ عَالِمٌ Zai-dun ' aa-li-mun which means Zaid is a scholar. Note that a nominative sentence is always in the present tense. To make it a past tense an active element called كَانَ ( kana ) is added and similarly to make it a future tense, another active element يَكُوْنُ ( ya-koo-nu ) is used. These will be described later in the book when Verbs are discussed .

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