91/ List of Tables


List of Tables

Table 1 - Arabic Alphabets. 21

Table 2 - Modified Alphabets for Joining to Form Words. 32

Table 3 - Detached pronounsالضَّمِيْرُ الْمُنْفَصِلُ  ad-dameerul mun-fa-si-lu (رَفْعٌ Raf-un) state  63

Table 4 - Attached pronouns الضَّمِيْرُ الْمُتَّصِلُ ad-dameerul mut-ta-si-lu ( نَصْبٌ/جَرٌّnas-bun/jarr-un) state. 64

Table 5 - Demonstrative pronouns. 66

Table 6 - Relative pronouns. 68

Table 7 - Kila and Kilta usage examples. 78

Table 8 - Large Plural Scales الْأوْزَانُ الْجمْعُ الْكَثْرَةُ au-zaan-un jam-ul kath-ra-ti 82

Table 9 - Descriptive Compound Examples. 88

Table 10 - Demonstrative pronouns. 91

Table 11 – Demonstrative Compound Examples. 92

Table 12 – Genitive جَرٌّ (jarr-un) Particles – Prepositions. 95

Table 13 - Use of Preposition بِwith Personal Pronouns. 98

Table 14 - Use of Preposition فِيْ with Personal Pronouns. 99

Table 15 - Use of Preposition مِنْ with Personal pronouns. 100

Table 16 - Use of Preposition لَ with Personal pronouns. 102

Table 17 - Use of Preposition عَنْ with Personal pronouns. 104

Table 18 - Use of Preposition عَلٰى with Personal pronouns. 105

Table 19 - Use of Preposition اِلٰى with Personal pronouns. 106

Table 20 - Possessive Compound Examples. 111

Table 21 – Possessive Compound with Personal Pronouns. 112

Table 22 - الْسِّتَةُ الأَسْمَاْءُ (al-asmaa-ul al-sitta-tu) 117

Table 23 – The Six Nouns الْسِّتَةُ الأَسْمَاْءُ(al-asmaa-ul al-sitta-tu) 118

Table 24 – Descriptive Compound/Complete Compound Comparison   125

Table 25 - Interrogative Particles. 133

Table 26 - Interrogative Particleswith Prepositions. 135

Table 27 - Particles of Verbal Meaning Examples. 148

Table 28 - Numbers for Male Ma’dood (مَعْدُوْدٌ) 153

Table 29 - Numbers for Female مَعْدُوْدٌ (Ma-dood) 155

Table 30 - Numbers 20 through 90. 156

Table 31 - Numbers 100 through 1000, 000. 157

Table 32 – Weekdays. 158

Table 33 – Meaning of فَعَلَ (fa-ala) Inflections. 167

Table 34 فَعِلَ (Fa-ee-la) Inflections. 168

Table 35 –  فَعُلَ(Fa-oo-la) Inflections. 169

Table 36 - Examples of Verbs that use فَعَلَ die. 170

Table 37 - Examples of Verbs that use فَعِلَ die. 170

Table 38 - Examples of Verbs that use فَعُلَ die. 171

Table 39 – pronoun as Object Example. 177

Table 40 – pronoun as Object Example. 184

Table 41 - Active (ma’roof) to Passive (majhool) Examples. 190

Table 42 يَفَعَلُ (Yaf-alu) Inflections. 195

Table 43 – Meaning of Imperfect Verbs using يَفَعَلُ (yaf-a-lu) die. 198

Table 44 يَفَعِلُ (yaf-i-lu) Inflections. 201

Table 45 يَفَعُلُ (yaf-u-lo) Inflections. 201

Table 46 - Examples of Verbs that use فَعَلَ fa-aa-la die. 203

Table 47- Examples of Imperfect Verbs that use فَعِلَ fa-ila die. 205

Table 48 - Examples of Imperfect Verbs that use فَعُلَ fa-ula die. 206

Table 49 فَعَلَ (fa-aa-la) Inflections with Strong Noon نُوْنُ الثَّقيْلَةِ noon-us sa-qee-lati 213

Table 50 – Hidden pronouns in Imperfect Tense. 214

Table 51 - Active مَعْرُوْفٌ (ma-roof) to مَجهُوُلٌ (maj-hool) Passive Imperfect Tense

 الْمَضَارِعِفِعْلُ   feil-ul mudaa-ri-ee Examples. 220

Table 52 – Forms of three alphabet Root Words الأبْوَابُ الْثُّلَاثِيُ الْمُجَرَّدُ ال-ab-waa-buth-thu-lathi-ul mu-jar-radu. 223

Table 53– Examples of Forms of three alphabet Root Words اَلْأَبْوَابُ الْثُّلَاثِيُ الْمُجَرَّدُ al-abwaa-buth-thu-laa-thi-ul mu-jar-rad. 225

Table 54 – Weak Imperfect Tense. 232

Table 55– Hidden Imperfect Tense. 241

Table 56 - الاَخَفْالْمُضَارِعُ also Called الْمُضَارِعُ الْمَجْزُوْمْ Inflections with particle لَمْ lum    241

Table 57 – Imperfect Tense inflections used in Imperative (bolded only)  251

Table 58 يَفْعَلُ (Yaf-a-lu) Imperative Inflections. 253

Table 59 - يَفْعِلُ (Yaf-i-lu) Imperative Inflections. 253

Table 60 يَفَعُلُ (yaf-u-lu) Imperative Inflections. 254

Table 61 – Imperatives Examples for all 14 forms اَبْوَابٌ.. 255

Table 63 - Genitive جَرٌّ jarr-un Particles Meaning and Examples. 277

Table 64 – Incomplete Verbs أَفْعَالُ النَّا قِصَةِ af-aal-un naaqi-sa-ti 287

Table 65 - كَان Kana inflections. 292

Table 66 - يَكُوُنُ Yakunu inflections. 295

Table 67 – لَيْسَ lai-sa Inflections. 299

Table 68 – Muda’af Examples. 314

Table 69 – Form II Past tense فَعَّلَ (fa’-a-la) Inflections. 327

Table 70 – Form II Imperfect Tense يُفَعِّلُ  (yufa’i-lu) Inflections. 328

Table 71 - Form II فَعَّلَ/ ُيُفَعِّلُ Examples. 329

Table 72 - Form III Past tense فَاعَلَ (faa-‘ala) Inflections. 340

Table 73 Form III Imperfect Tense يُفَاعِلُ(yu-faa-ee-lu) Inflections. 341

Table 74 - Form III فَاعَلَ/ يُفَاعَلُExamples. 342

Table 75 - Form IV Past tense أَفْعَلَ (af-a-la) Inflections. 350

Table 76 – Form IV Imperfect Tense يُفَعِلُ yuf-ee-lu Inflections. 351

Table 77 – Form IV أَفْعَلَ/ ُيفَعِلُ af-a-la/yuf-i-lu Examples. 352

Table 78 -Form 4 Past tense تَفَعَّلَ (ta-fa’-ul) Inflections. 359

Table 79 – Form 4 Imperfect Tense يَتَفَعَّلُ (ya-ta-fa’-a-lu) Inflections. 360

Table 80 - Form 4 تَفَعَّلَ يَتَفَعَّلُ/Examples. 360

Table 81 – Form VI Past tense تَفَاعَلَ (ta-faa-ala) Inflections. 367

Table 82 - Form VI Imperfect Tense يَتَفَاعَلُ (yata-faa-alu) Inflections. 368

Table 83 - Form VI تَفَاعَلَ/ يَتَفَاعَلُ/تَفَاعُلًا Examples. 369

Table 84 – Form VII Past tense اِفْتَعَلَ if-ta-a-la Inflections. 374

Table 85 Form VII Imperfect Tense يَفْتَعِلُ(yaf-ta-ee-lu) Inflections. 375

Table 86 - Form VI اِفْتَعَلَ/ يَفْتَعِلُ Examples. 375

Table 87 – Form VIII Past tense اِنْفَعَلَ (in-fa’-a-la) Inflections. 382

Table 88 – Form VIII Imperfect Tense يَنْفَعِلُ (yan-fa’-ee-lu) Inflections  383

Table 89 - Form VIII اِنْفَعَلَ/ يَنْفَعِلُ/اِنْفِعَالًا in-fa-a-la/yan-fa-i-lu/in-fi-aa-lan Examples  384

Table 90 – Form X Past tense اِسْتَفْعَلَ (is-taf-ala) Inflections. 388

Table 91 – Form X Imperfect Tense يَسْتَفْعِلُ (yas-taf-ee-lu) Inflections  389

Table 92 - Form X اِسْتَفْعَلَ/ يَسْتَفْعِلُis-taf-a-la/yas-taf-i-lu Examples. 390

Table 93 – ثُلَاثِيْ Thoulaa-thi and مَزِيْدٌ فِيْهِ  Mazeed Fih أَوْزَانٌ Auz-aan-un Summary  396









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