Sarf and Nahw Summary: 1.0D - Introduction




In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and Merciful, and peace and blessings be upon His noble messenger Mohammed Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam.


This book briefly covers the basics of Qur’anic Grammar. It covers the basics of nouns, verbs, and particles. It goes into details of conjunction (additive) Waaw, faa, and other particles, rules, and unique features for sentences, verbs, and preposition combinations. I have also added Top 300 nouns and verbs and most used particles along with analysis of two ayahs of Surah An’aam with Sarf analysis and Nahw charts to show how it is approached.


This book is for people who need a refresher (revision of basics) and may be helpful to those beginning to learn Arabic Grammar, and advanced tips and unique points in classical Arabic solely for understanding the Qur’an, the book of Guidance for humanity. It is assumed here that you have some idea about Arabic Grammar.


Al-Qur'an is a book of knowledge and wisdom. This is where our creator is telling us how to live our lives. We recite parts of it in our prayers. Understanding what we are reciting in our salah is critical. We need to learn enough Arabic to understand what our Creator is saying and to practice it. We don't have to be an Arabic or Qur'an scholars but need to know enough to understand the only connection we have with Allah SWT.


Messenger of Allah, Peace be upon him said: Learn Arabic for three reasons, it is my language, it is the language of Qur'an and it is the language of people of Jannah. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala chose Arabic for His final Revelation.


Imam Shaafa'i Razi Allahu anhu said that knowledge is what is important, not what you memorize.


Learning Arabic will also help you understand the traditions (ahadith) which is the second most important part of our faith after the Qur'an. Messenger of Allah alaihi assalatu wassalam also said: I am leaving you two things which if you hold on to, you will never be defeated and destroyed, the Qur'an and my traditions.


I have tried to use terminology that is standard and, in a few places, I have used my own to make it more easily understandable.


I pray to Almighty for His Help and Guidance in learning the language of His revelation and understanding His message and adequately communicating to others.


It is a joy to read the Qur’an and be able to understand what is being said. I always wondered what made the sahaba of the messenger of Allah and the people around him so attracted and awed by this revelation. The key in this is increasing your vocabulary and that you will get it by reading the Qur’an again and again and referring to the dictionary and programs such as Sarf Generator on google play which I found to be very useful. May Allah bless and grant the author all that only He can.


I ask the Almighty to accept this very humble effort and make it of some use to those who end up using it for understanding the only connection we have with our Creator.


I also ask Allah SWT to give us guidance, piety, chastity, and contentment and accept our efforts in His path.


Mohammed Sajid Khan

August 2021







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